Friday, August 26, 2011

We need your help

UPDATE:  The support meeting has been postponed until further notice.  Keep your eyes out for news.

Looks Promising!  Thanks for all your support!


I just received the following letter from the HIMA president about an issue that will greatly impact the future of the program.


Please take some time and read the following:

Dear HIMA Parents, Families, Alumni and Friends,

It is with great distress that I write this e-mail.  As you know, the Instrumental Music Program has been plagued with its share of trouble in the past several years.  However, due to the perseverance of our talented students, dedicated staff and on-going support from parents, families, friends and the community, this program has not only survived but has flourished in the past year. I am asking that you show us that support once again! 

Some of you may have heard about an incident that occurred at the football field one evening during band camp.  A gentleman who lives next to the school approached Mr. Way while he was conducting the band.  What started out as a seemingly innocent inquiry about our rehearsal methods and use of the metronome, soon escalated into a verbal attack against Mr.Way. The gentleman not only used abusive, threatening and vulgar language in front of our students but threaten to conduct a citizen’s arrest.  Shortly after, the police arrived at the football field and instructed the directors to stop band practice due to a complaint from one of the neighbors.  We had already been informed by our school administrators the week prior that we had to end our evening practices at 8:45pm instead of 9:00pm because of numerous noise complaints from neighbors. 

In the past 4 weeks, the police have come to the band office at least 4 times. With each visit there is a new complaint against our program.  First it was the evening practices and the use of the metronome, then 4th period marching band, now its percussion class, pipes and cymbal noise.  Each time we rehearse outside, they file a complaint. The police revealed that there are now two neighbors who call in on an almost daily basis to complain about the noise. These residents have found a loop hole in the system to use to their advantage. Their complaints are not for “noise ordinance” which has limitations on volume and hours, but rather “disturbing the peace” which does not have these restrictions. The police also shared that there have been similar incidents in other neighborhoods where these types of complaints have escalated to the point of law suits and court. We do not want this to happen.

You can imagine how upsetting and disruptive these complaints and visits from the police have become.  The staff and students should not be subjected to this type of harassment simply for trying to play music.  We have tried to accommodate all the requests/restrictions they have placed on us, but when are we suppose to rehearse?   We want to be able to practice without the fear of confrontations with irate neighbors, visits from police and pressure toward our school administration.  If we are forced to cancel outdoor rehearsals and classes then the marching band as we know it will cease to exist.

If the complaints of two people can cause this much commotion, imagine what a group of unhappy parents, relatives, friends and neighbors can cause.  We can’t let them damage a program that has been around for over 60 years!

I am asking you to join us for a meeting on Wednesday, August 31st at 6:15pm at the Helix Charter High School Football stadium. Please show your support as we “band” together to come up with a solution to this situation, before these two individuals poison the remainder of the neighborhood against us. Please spread the word……Invite your family, friends and neighbors.  Contact Helix Alumni and ask them to join us.  I will be sending a letter to La Mesa’s Mayor and City Council asking them to join us as well. 

Please feel free to contact me with any questions.  I thank you in advance for your continued support and love of the music program.

Lisa Moya, President
Helix Instrumental Music Association
(619) 548-9361


  1. I will be there. Also passed this on to Mark Arapostathis, former Lemon Ave, La Mesa Jr High, and Helix student...and La Mesa City Councilman.

  2. I wish I lived in CA to lend support in person but since I don't, can you please post the address of the local council so that I may write a letter in support of the band. Thank you! ~Stephanie Conrad

  3. This is unacceptable. We grew up on Princeton Ave which is about three blocks away from Helix up on the hill and always enjoyed hearing the tunes rising up to us. It's lovely. Let us know where to write a letter of support for the Band; band kids are the best and they need the arts and music in our schools. Thanks...Bonnie, HelixHS c/o 87.

  4. I feel so badly for these kids. This is not the way people should disagree in the first place. Screaming profanities and shouting Citizen's Arrest in front of our youth unacceptable! If this man purchased a home near a football field did he not think there would be noise? Unbelieveable. I think the sound of these kids practicing music not only is beautiful but inspiring and everything is right with the world. Kids learning, kids in school means positive outcomes for our youth and WHY...WHY would anyone be against that? ...and this is from a mom who had three children and now a grandaughter attending Helix High... Go Scotties! J.Cando La Mesa, CA.

  5. The majority of the community around Helix has always enjoyed the music that comes from the high school, has any attempt been made to get them to show their support for the program? Also what are these neighbors going to do once Friday night football games begin, those can be just as loud? Will that have to cease as well? Thomas Atkins c/o 06

  6. Write Mayor Art Madrid and the La Mesa City Council at: La Mesa City Hall 8130 Allison Avenue La Mesa, CA 91942

  7. We are Helix Alumni from three generations, 2 different families. I will most certainly due my best to be there. Heidi Guttzeit Rock, 1974

  8. This is an alumni from VHS, i am passing the word on to some of my band brothers and sisters to get the word out. Hopefully it will go viral,

  9. Maybe the band should file a complaint under California Penal code section 403 OR for entering a school campus during school hours without permission (don't know that code number)!

  10. Did the neighbor not know they were moving in to a home next to an active high school, with a strong band program? We support the band and I would love to invite all to come and see and hear the wonderful Helix band - live!

  11. Call the Turko Files. He will approach those nieghbors and then they can try to explain themselves and their sad actions. It might put enough pressure on them to quit their harassing of the band.

  12. When I was in the marching band we rehearsed BEFORE school in the mornings AND after school - frequently until 9:00pm. We represented the school and the City of La Mesa at the All-Western Band Review every year and could not have done so if we hadn't been able to rehearse like that. These troublemakers KNEW when they moved in to the neighborhood that games and bands would be making "noise" and frankly, that "noise" should be music to their ears.

  13. I am an alamni from 1984 Marching Band (Drill Team/Orchestra). I can't join the meeting but my support is with everyone. These people should be happy that these kids are doing something productive and not on the street doing crimes/drugs etc... Keep the band going, that is music that should be enjoyed, it isn't noise pollution or a nusense. My father, sister and I have been part of the band since Helix began way back when and you all have our fullest support. Good luck at this meeting and don't let them get you down. Michelle Capron class of 1984

  14. I have ONE big thing to say:: Those people who are complaining KNOWINGLY moved into a neighborhood where there is a high school in the midst. KNOWING that with a high school comes football and marching bands. That school has been there LONG before many have moved there! And the people who have been there the longest should know better. This just pisses me off. It's ridiculous. If you don't like it, MOVE.

    I hope that this comment be shared at the meeting since I won't be able to be present, as I live out of state.

    What's next?? Shutting down Friday night varsity football games????

    Beth Morse
    Proud Graduate of Helix High's Class of 1992

  15. Greetings everyone--

    Ms. Moya is about to send out another email, but long story short, we are postponing this Wednesday meeting until further notice. The administration, Lisa/Larry, and myself are sitting down on Monday to come up with a unified course of action before we involve the public anymore. Please share the word that we will not be meeting this Wednesday, the band will be rehearsing as normal for their first public performance of the school year at Friday night's game-- and in their brand new uniforms, no less!

    We are going to be researching our rights as a public institution to conduct business as usual for a school during reasonable hours, and the administration has already begun filing for specific associated noise permits to back up whatever else may already be on the books to support us.

    While it is completely appropriate, and encouraged, to converse about this, please realize the nature of online networking and realize that you are representing Helix Highlander Instrumental Music and HIMA when you make Facebook comments and/or speak to the media. I would in the meantime discourage both. We will inform you of the proper course of action as it becomes apparent to us.

    Thanks so much for your love and support, and we will get through this together, just as we have EVERY other "crisis" at Helix.

  16. Until about one year ago, I lived for five years on Eastridge within direct view and "earshot" of the Helix parking lot and football stadium. My family and I heard the band and sports practices regularly. They were NEVER an annoyance; rather, the sounds provided a pleasant sense of community and the knowledge that the community as a whole was all in this together -- supporting the education and extra-curricular activities of our kids. My guess is that the sounds from Helix have been around far longer than most of the neighbors have lived nearby. If they have complaints, they should read their real estate purchase disclosures to see what they ignored when they should have paid attention -- that they were purchasing a home next to a high school!

    Barry Jantz
    La Mesa City Councilman - 1990-2006
    Helix High School - Class of 1977

  17. My latest version of story, reflecting the cancellation of Wednesday meeting, is now posted here:

    I welcome your comments as well!

  18. My family lived behind Helix on Cinthia Street (Eastridge) from 1969 to 2002. We, like so many others, found the sounds of practices or games to be a source of pride and joy. Those sounds are part of the fabric of my childhood and I would not change them. In all the time my family lived there, I never once heard of anyone complaining about the 'noise'. That there are only two people making complaints, given the number of potential complainants over all these years, suggests to me where the problem lies. Anyone who purchases a home in the vicinity of a school ball field, airport, stadium or any number of other such venues, knows or should have known that there would be some noise. If it really were an issue, it would very likely be factored into the price they paid for their home. While reasonable accomodation should be sought, it doesn't sound like these folks are reasonable. I can only hope that, for the sake of the kids and the community, they do not prevail. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
    Rod Frelinger
    Helix High School - Class of 1974

  19. As a former Helix parent of two Helix graduates, 86 & 90, I will support the band and will be following The Patch for further information. Would gladly sign a petition or attend a meeting.
    Sharron Lee

  20. Class of 81 and the bagpiper practiced in our cul de sac. It was great, but loud. We got use to it and looked forward to it. To this day, I have an affinity for the sound. I wish I lived back in town so I could come by to support you.

  21. I live on the hill above Helix, and I love the sounds of the band practicing. Don't let grumpy neighbors ruin years of tradition.
    Helix High Class of 1996

  22. As a band parent from another school, I want to support the Helix program. They have worked hard for 50 years and deserve their reputation for being among the best. Regarding the homeowner, I am willing to bet that his father was not this sick when he purchased the home so close to the school. He was probably working during the day and perhaps did not consider how living so close to a school might impact him. I live 1/2 mile away from our school and can still hear the band and metronome at night at times. The underlying issue in all this is that this man's father is extremely ill. He is understandably under duress. He is fearful for his father's life. Attacking the program and a verbal altercation (and in front of students) is way out of line. It is even frightening as one might be concerned if the attacker was going to push it into the physical. These days you can't be too careful.

    The school has a right to conduct business as usual under normal hours. They aren't doing anything legally wrong. You do not purchase a home close to anything you don't want to smell, see, or hear. But, in this case perhaps some compassion and compromise on both sides might win out. An impartial mediator could be a huge benefit to figuring out how the school can accomplish it's goals and the ill father be more comfortable.

    Helix Highlanders are a proud tradition. Don't let this current situation distract you from being the best. Be patient and work hard!
